I went to the monthly card show this past weekend. Since Topps is the only producer of Baseball cards and there is no new product to explore, it was pretty slow. However, it was pretty good to me!! I was able to find a bunch of cards to fill in my Tigers sets.
Time was limited, I had to get home and take my step-son to a birthday party but I found most of my cards on this day. I stopped at the first table and he had a binder of 1970 Tigers. I found 4 cards I needed and they were a buck each (hey!!! you can't go wrong for a buck!) So I picked up an Ed Brinkman, Billy Martin, Mike Kilkenny and a Rookie Stars card with Larrin LaGrow & Gene Lamont.

Feeling good...I moved on to another table and.....I hit the jackpot (or at least to me)!!! This guy had some boxes of 70's Tigers for .25 & .50!!! When you see the sign you automatically think the card conditions are going to be crummy...but not this table!! All the cards I picked up had NO creases, sharp color and excellent corners. I found 21 1975 cards including NINE mini's!! All for no more than fifty cents (5 cards), most were a quarter!!

I was also able to complete my 1977 Tigers set finding the 5 cards I was missing. For the same low price of a quarter each.

That was day #1! I was so excited, I could hardly wait for the next day!!