Things are a little crazy around here but I needed to find some time to write a post. It's been a while since I wrote something and in my last post I mentioned something about giving some cards away. So....here it is!!

It's very simple.....just leave a comment! You don't have to link this on your blog, but if you did, I would appreciate it. Sorry, it won't get you any extra entries. Everyone that leaves a comment will get 1 entry. I'm giving away an auto, relic, manufactured patch or printing plate from each of the 30 teams.

If for some reason I don't get 30 comments, any of the remaining cards will be up for trade. Here's how it's going to work.....I will type each team name into random.org and each person that left a comment into random.org. I will randomize each list 4x's. I will then match each list by rank and that will be the card you win. I told you it was simple!!!

By the way...the contest ends at midnight Sunday night and the winners notified on this blog no later than Tuesday. Good Luck!!!